Top bar hive


Joshua and I are going to get a top bar hive and try our hand at beekeeping.  This will be a 4-H project for him.  He has always been fascinated by bees although he is really worried about being stung.  So, we will see how this goes.  
We already ordered our bees.  We got an Italian queen.  We ordered them through Tate’s Honey Farm in Spokane.  When I called to order them, he said that Italian bees were more friendly.  The bees are to arrive sometime around mid-April.  Click on the picture to learn more about Tate’s Honey Farm…
We have decided to use a top bar hive because it is a more natural way of beekeeping.  There are advantages and disadvantages of the top bar compared to the traditional Langstroth hive.  If you want to learn more about it, click on the picture of the inside of a top bar hive…

Now, to get the hive!  We will probably order our hive through Bee Thinking.  Here is a video that they have on their website describing the top bar hive:
Next week, I will be ordering sunflower seeds!